
Showing posts with the label Watson

John Watson: a novelist accused, 1897

John Watson D.D. was a prolific writer and a Presbyterian minister in Liverpool. His novels, written under the name ‘Ian Maclaren’, sold well on both sides of the Atlantic. ( wiki ; A Victorian ) In 1897 he published The Mind of the Master which proved popular in Britain and in America. It also garnered criticism from more conservative presbyterians in both countries. “Strong objection has been taken to the views expressed therein, especially north of the Tweed.” said the Edinburgh Evening News (Friday 19 March 1897 p2 col.1).  His views on the atonement and the absolute deity of Christ were held to be suspect and a petition was circulated by Rev. Dr Kennedy Moore which avoided the term ‘heresy’ but which called “the attention of the Synod to the fact that Dr Watson has not repudiated the charge made against him that his teaching tends towards Unitarianism.” ( The Carlisle Patriot Friday 26 March 1897, p.1 col. 5). "The Memorial and Petition of the Undersigned Ministers and El...