William Knight
William Angus Knight ( wiki ) was Minister of St Enoch’s Church , Dundee in the Free Church of Scotland though he was more an academic than a local minister. In 1872 he offended his presbytery by accepting an invitation from his friend, the Rev James Martineau ( wiki ), and preaching in his Unitarian Church. The invitation to preach did not come out of the blue: the men had known one another for some years and had long corresponded on their theological differences. (Newcastle Daily Chronicle - Friday 12 July 1872 p2 col 6-7) Knight was not accused of heresy itself, but of causing offence by publicly associating with and, at least by implication, endorsing a renowned heretic. Knight is included in this blog mostly because I found his story interesting in itself and in particular because his case comes closer than any other I have so far found to drawing a border in the sands between who was and was not a heretic. (He wasn’t.) The course of events Knight preached in Martineau’s church on...