Mr Stannard, Independent Congregational Chapel, Huddersfield 1881

Ramsden Street Chapel, Huddersfield, was independent and associated with the Congregational Union. It had been in existence from at least 1825 and was governed according to a trust deed (created in 1849) which gave responsibility for buildings and church life to 21 trustees. The deed specified that the chapel was for the purpose of worship according to the teaching of Pædo-Baptists (those who baptised infants). Appended to the trust deed was a 10-point statement of beliefs which “were all in harmony with Calvinism, and some of them were distinctly Calvinistic.” But chapel leaders had not seen this as a means to exclude anyone and had been open and welcoming, accepting of a wide range of views. When a number of Weslyans seceded from the Huddersfield circuit many joined the Ramsden Street Chapel. They were welcomed because they were Christian with no further test. Their theology was Arminian ( wiki ), not Calvinist ( wiki ) but it did not seem to have been a source of ...