
Showing posts from August 9, 2020

Heresy in Academia

Meandering through some heresy links (when I ought to have been concentrating on something else), I came across a significant discussion of heresy linked to the announcement of  The Journal of Controversial Ideas , to be published next year.  I recognise I'm late to notice them though, in mitigation, I've never worked in academia.  And conflict over the acceptability or toleration of ideas in American academia isn't my field or focus. However: The journal describes itself as a forum for careful, rigorous, unpolemical discussion of issues that are widely considered controversial, in the sense that certain views about them might be regarded by many people as morally, socially, or ideologically objectionable or offensive.  The aim of the journal is to enable people to publish ideas that they reasonably expect will be regarded by some as offensive, immoral, or dangerous. Authors may use a pseudonym, if they so choose.  ( here )  See the Heterodox Academy  ...