
Showing posts with the label Introduction

Welcome to Modern British Heresy

This blog is focused on modern heresy in Christian churches in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales from the Act of Toleration (1689) to the present. My starting question was: "what's the point of heresy in a tolerant era?" I have yet to find a single and sufficient answer. ( Why I began to study heresy ) To date, I have identified around 150 individuals who meet my dual criteria  that : 1. they have been formally accused of heresy  and  2. some form of official action followed.  I am confident that other cases will continue to come to light. Some of these accusations and trials are well known to historians. Others have been forgotten because they were - and are - wholly marginal: there has been no need or desire to remember them.  Sometimes there have been clusters of cases as church leaders determined to expel a group or, perhaps more accurately, the ideas the group has expounded, from the boundaries of that church.  But the majority of accusations h...