Nathan Rouse, Methodist, 1862
Rev. Nathan Rouse was a Methodist minister, ordained in 1834. He served in Cambridge from 1836 and in Brigg, near Hull, in 1838 ( Dictionary of Methodism ). He was described as “ a literary man, and an excellent preacher, cultured and lovable.” (George Lester, Grimsby Methodism and the Wesleys in Lincolnshire , ) A letter to Rev. George Steward In 1854 the Wesleyan Methodist Penny Magazine (April, p.51, here ) noticed Rouses’ publication A letter to the Rev. George Steward containing an examination of some of the statements and arguments of his recently published work. The author assumed most of its readers did not know who Rouse was and the review was sardonic and unenthusiastic, citing Swift’s maxim “Blessed is the man that expecteth nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.”(p52), and ending “... we feel that the insolence, bigotry, and folly of a Rouse leave all former absurdity floundering far behind.” ( ibid. p54 col.2) Contesting Archbishop Ussher’s ...