
Showing posts from September 17, 2023

Table of heresy cases, UK and Ireland, 1689 - present

 Heresy cases in Britain and Ireland since 1689 Note: this is likely to include the great majority of heresy cases. However, there is a reasonable probability that there will have been others, not least amongst the smaller churches.     1690- Church 1749 >1799 >1849 >1899 >1949 >1999 2000- % Anti-Burgher 2 2 1.1 Associate Presbytery 1 1 0.5 Baptist 1 1 2 1.1 Burgher 1 1 0.5 Church of England 10 4 12 20 9 2 57 31.1 Church of Ireland 2 1 3 1.6 Church of Scotland 8 3 19 6 36 19.7 Congregational 1 3 4 2.2 Orthodox Congregational 1 1 0.5 Congregational Union 1 1 0.5 Episcopal Church of Scotland 2 1 3 6 3.3 Free Church of Scotland 8 1 9 4.9 Glasite 1 1 0.5 Independent Calvinist 1 1 0.5 Irish Presbyterian  1 1 0.5 Methodist 2 3 2 7 3.8 Methodist (Calvinist) 1 1 0.5 Methodist / Glasite 1 1 0.5 Methodist / Moravian 1 1 0.5 Methodist New Connection 1 1 0.5 Primitive Methodist 1 1 0.5 Wesleyan Methodist 3 1 4 2.2 Presbyterian 3 2 1 1 7 3.8 Quaker 1 2 2 ...