Books burned by Authority: Britain and Ireland, 1689 to 1900
Primary source is: Books Condemned to be Burnt, by James Anson Farrer [full text] Date Author Title Condemned by Outcome 1691 Bury, Arthur [ this blog] The Naked Gospel [ Full Text ] Parliament; Oxford University Ejected from post 1693, Dec 8 Freke, William A Brief but Clear Confutation of the Trinity House of Lords Fined £500, recanted 1696 Toland, John Christianity not mysterious [ Full text ] Irish Parliament Burnt by public hangman before the Parliament House Gate, Dublin, also in the open street before the Town House Fled, after arrest ordered, impoverished, continued to write 1697, March 17 James Drake Mr Bertie's Case, with some remarks on the Judgment therein given House of Lords Book burnt at Mercat Cross, Edinburgh Also prosecuted for later writings (1702, 1703 & 1705). 1698 Molyneux, William The case of Ireland's being bound by acts of Parliament in England stated [ full text ] Parliament Condemned as seditious and burnt by the public hangman 1700 Asgill, John ...